We usually meet every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the FedEx Institute of Technology. For the latest details, look for us on
We usually meet every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the FedEx Institute of Technology. For the latest details, look for us on
Connect with us on Meetup, Twitter, Facebook, or join our super-low-traffic Mailing List.
You can also find us on the #memtech slack in the #mempy
We are just one of many the #memtech user groups happening in Memphis, TN. Check out to learn about & connect with others in the local tech community.
Have a talk you'd like to give? Or maybe a project (personal, open-source, new startup) you'd like to share with a technical audience? Getting on our calendar is pretty easy: email us or add your talk to our Spreadsheet.
If you're not ready to give a talk, let us know what you'd like to see by suggesting a topic!